Source code for asdf.extension._manager

from functools import lru_cache

from ._extension import ExtensionProxy
from ..util import get_class_name

[docs]class ExtensionManager: """ Wraps a list of extensions and indexes their converters by tag and by Python type. Parameters ---------- extensions : iterable of asdf.extension.Extension List of enabled extensions to manage. Extensions placed earlier in the list take precedence. """ def __init__(self, extensions): self._extensions = [ExtensionProxy.maybe_wrap(e) for e in extensions] self._tag_defs_by_tag = {} self._converters_by_tag = {} # This dict has both str and type keys: self._converters_by_type = {} for extension in self._extensions: for tag_def in extension.tags: if tag_def.tag_uri not in self._tag_defs_by_tag: self._tag_defs_by_tag[tag_def.tag_uri] = tag_def for converter in extension.converters: # If a converter's tags do not actually overlap with # the extension tag list, then there's no reason to # use it. if len(converter.tags) > 0: for tag in converter.tags: if tag not in self._converters_by_tag: self._converters_by_tag[tag] = converter for typ in converter.types: if isinstance(typ, str): if typ not in self._converters_by_type: self._converters_by_type[typ] = converter else: type_class_name = get_class_name(typ, instance=False) if typ not in self._converters_by_type and type_class_name not in self._converters_by_type: self._converters_by_type[typ] = converter self._converters_by_type[type_class_name] = converter @property def extensions(self): """ Get the list of extensions. Returns ------- list of asdf.extension.ExtensionProxy """ return self._extensions
[docs] def handles_tag(self, tag): """ Return `True` if the specified tag is handled by a converter. Parameters ---------- tag : str Tag URI. Returns ------- bool """ return tag in self._converters_by_tag
[docs] def handles_type(self, typ): """ Returns `True` if the specified Python type is handled by a converter. Parameters ---------- typ : type Returns ------- bool """ return ( typ in self._converters_by_type or get_class_name(typ, instance=False) in self._converters_by_type )
[docs] def get_tag_definition(self, tag): """ Get the tag definition for the specified tag. Parameters ---------- tag : str Tag URI. Returns ------- asdf.extension.TagDefinition Raises ------ KeyError Unrecognized tag URI. """ try: return self._tag_defs_by_tag[tag] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "No support available for YAML tag '{}'. " "You may need to install a missing extension.".format( tag ) ) from None
[docs] def get_converter_for_tag(self, tag): """ Get the converter for the specified tag. Parameters ---------- tag : str Tag URI. Returns ------- asdf.extension.Converter Raises ------ KeyError Unrecognized tag URI. """ try: return self._converters_by_tag[tag] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "No support available for YAML tag '{}'. " "You may need to install a missing extension.".format( tag ) ) from None
[docs] def get_converter_for_type(self, typ): """ Get the converter for the specified Python type. Parameters ---------- typ : type Returns ------- asdf.extension.Converter Raises ------ KeyError Unrecognized type. """ try: return self._converters_by_type[typ] except KeyError: class_name = get_class_name(typ, instance=False) try: return self._converters_by_type[class_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "No support available for Python type '{}'. " "You may need to install or enable an extension.".format( get_class_name(typ, instance=False) ) ) from None
[docs]def get_cached_extension_manager(extensions): """ Get a previously created ExtensionManager for the specified extensions, or create and cache one if necessary. Building the manager is expensive, so it helps performance to reuse it when possible. Parameters ---------- extensions : list of asdf.extension.AsdfExtension or asdf.extension.Extension Returns ------- asdf.extension.ExtensionManager """ from ._extension import ExtensionProxy # The tuple makes the extensions hashable so that we # can pass them to the lru_cache method. The ExtensionProxy # overrides __hash__ to return the hashed object id of the wrapped # extension, so this will method will only return the same # ExtensionManager if the list contains identical extension # instances in identical order. extensions = tuple(ExtensionProxy.maybe_wrap(e) for e in extensions) return _get_cached_extension_manager(extensions)
@lru_cache() def _get_cached_extension_manager(extensions): return ExtensionManager(extensions)