Source code for asdf.tags.core.ndarray

import mmap
import sys

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma

from asdf import util
from asdf._jsonschema import ValidationError

_datatype_names = {
    "int8": "i1",
    "int16": "i2",
    "int32": "i4",
    "int64": "i8",
    "uint8": "u1",
    "uint16": "u2",
    "uint32": "u4",
    "uint64": "u8",
    "float16": "f2",
    "float32": "f4",
    "float64": "f8",
    "complex64": "c8",
    "complex128": "c16",
    "bool8": "b1",

_string_datatype_names = {"ascii": "S", "ucs4": "U"}

def asdf_byteorder_to_numpy_byteorder(byteorder):
    if byteorder == "big":
        return ">"

    if byteorder == "little":
        return "<"

    msg = f"Invalid ASDF byteorder '{byteorder}'"
    raise ValueError(msg)

def asdf_datatype_to_numpy_dtype(datatype, byteorder=None):
    if byteorder is None:
        byteorder = sys.byteorder

    if isinstance(datatype, str) and datatype in _datatype_names:
        datatype = _datatype_names[datatype]
        byteorder = asdf_byteorder_to_numpy_byteorder(byteorder)
        return np.dtype(str(byteorder + datatype))

    if (
        isinstance(datatype, list)
        and len(datatype) == 2
        and isinstance(datatype[0], str)
        and isinstance(datatype[1], int)
        and datatype[0] in _string_datatype_names
        length = datatype[1]
        byteorder = asdf_byteorder_to_numpy_byteorder(byteorder)
        datatype = str(byteorder) + str(_string_datatype_names[datatype[0]]) + str(length)

        return np.dtype(datatype)

    if isinstance(datatype, dict):
        if "datatype" not in datatype:
            msg = f"Field entry has no datatype: '{datatype}'"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        name = datatype.get("name", "")
        byteorder = datatype.get("byteorder", byteorder)
        shape = datatype.get("shape")
        datatype = asdf_datatype_to_numpy_dtype(datatype["datatype"], byteorder)

        if shape is None:
            return (str(name), datatype)

        return (str(name), datatype, tuple(shape))

    if isinstance(datatype, list):
        datatype_list = []
        for subdatatype in datatype:
            np_dtype = asdf_datatype_to_numpy_dtype(subdatatype, byteorder)
            if isinstance(np_dtype, tuple):

            elif isinstance(np_dtype, np.dtype):
                datatype_list.append(("", np_dtype))

                msg = "Error parsing asdf datatype"
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        return np.dtype(datatype_list)

    msg = f"Unknown datatype {datatype}"
    raise ValueError(msg)

def numpy_byteorder_to_asdf_byteorder(byteorder, override=None):
    if override is not None:
        return override

    if byteorder == "=":
        return sys.byteorder

    if byteorder == "<":
        return "little"

    return "big"

def numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(dtype, include_byteorder=True, override_byteorder=None):
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if dtype.names is not None:
        fields = []
        for name in dtype.names:
            field = dtype.fields[name][0]
            d = {}
            d["name"] = name
            field_dtype, byteorder = numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(field, override_byteorder=override_byteorder)
            d["datatype"] = field_dtype
            if include_byteorder:
                d["byteorder"] = byteorder
            if field.shape:
                d["shape"] = list(field.shape)
        return fields, numpy_byteorder_to_asdf_byteorder(dtype.byteorder, override=override_byteorder)

    if dtype.subdtype is not None:
        return numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(dtype.subdtype[0], override_byteorder=override_byteorder)

    if in _datatype_names:
        return, numpy_byteorder_to_asdf_byteorder(dtype.byteorder, override=override_byteorder)

    if == "bool":
        return "bool8", numpy_byteorder_to_asdf_byteorder(dtype.byteorder, override=override_byteorder)

    if"string") or"bytes"):
        return ["ascii", dtype.itemsize], "big"

    if"unicode") or"str"):
        return (
            ["ucs4", int(dtype.itemsize / 4)],
            numpy_byteorder_to_asdf_byteorder(dtype.byteorder, override=override_byteorder),

    msg = f"Unknown dtype {dtype}"
    raise ValueError(msg)

def inline_data_asarray(inline, dtype=None):
    # np.asarray doesn't handle structured arrays unless the innermost
    # elements are tuples.  To do that, we drill down the first
    # element of each level until we find a single item that
    # successfully converts to a scalar of the expected structured
    # dtype.  Then we go through and convert everything at that level
    # to a tuple.  This probably breaks for nested structured dtypes,
    # but it's probably good enough for now.  It also won't work with
    # object dtypes, but ASDF explicitly excludes those, so we're ok
    # there.
    if dtype is not None and dtype.fields is not None:

        def find_innermost_match(line, depth=0):
            if not isinstance(line, list) or not len(line):
                msg = "data can not be converted to structured array"
                raise ValueError(msg)
                np.asarray(tuple(line), dtype=dtype)
            except ValueError:
                return find_innermost_match(line[0], depth + 1)
                return depth

        depth = find_innermost_match(inline)

        def convert_to_tuples(line, data_depth, depth=0):
            if data_depth == depth:
                return tuple(line)

            return [convert_to_tuples(x, data_depth, depth + 1) for x in line]

        inline = convert_to_tuples(inline, depth)

        return np.asarray(inline, dtype=dtype)

    def handle_mask(inline):
        if isinstance(inline, list):
            if None in inline:
                inline_array = np.asarray(inline)
                nones = np.equal(inline_array, None)
                return, 0, inline), mask=nones)

            return [handle_mask(x) for x in inline]

        return inline

    inline = handle_mask(inline)

    inline =, dtype=dtype)
    if not ma.is_masked(inline):

    return inline

def numpy_array_to_list(array):
    def tolist(x):
        if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, NDArrayType)):
            x = x.astype("U").tolist() if x.dtype.char == "S" else x.tolist()

        if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
            return [tolist(y) for y in x]

        return x

    def ascii_to_unicode(x):
        # Convert byte string arrays to unicode string arrays, since YAML
        # doesn't handle the former.
        if isinstance(x, list):
            return [ascii_to_unicode(y) for y in x]

        if isinstance(x, bytes):
            return x.decode("ascii")

        return x

    return ascii_to_unicode(tolist(array))

[docs] class NDArrayType: def __init__(self, source, shape, dtype, offset, strides, order, mask, data_callback=None): self._source = source self._data_callback = data_callback self._array = None self._mask = mask if isinstance(source, list): self._array = inline_data_asarray(source, dtype) self._array = self._apply_mask(self._array, self._mask) # single element structured arrays can have shape == () # if shape is not None and ( self._array.shape != tuple(shape) or (len(shape) and shape[0] == "*" and self._array.shape[1:] != tuple(shape[1:])) ): msg = "inline data doesn't match the given shape" raise ValueError(msg) self._shape = shape self._dtype = dtype self._offset = offset self._strides = strides self._order = order def _make_array(self): # If the ASDF file has been updated in-place, then there's # a chance that the block's original data object has been # closed and replaced. We need to check here and re-generate # the array if necessary, otherwise we risk segfaults when # memory mapping. if self._array is not None: base = util.get_array_base(self._array) if isinstance(base, np.memmap) and isinstance(base.base, mmap.mmap): # check if the underlying mmap matches the one generated by generic_io try: fd = self._data_callback(_attr="_fd")() except AttributeError: # external blocks do not have a '_fd' and don't need to be updated fd = None if fd is not None: if getattr(fd, "_mmap", None) is not base.base: self._array = None del fd if self._array is None: if isinstance(self._source, str): # we need to keep _source as a str to allow stdatamodels to # support AsdfInFits data = self._data_callback() else: # cached data is used here so that multiple NDArrayTypes will all use # the same base array data = self._data_callback(_attr="cached_data") if hasattr(data, "base") and isinstance(data.base, mmap.mmap) and data.base.closed: msg = "ASDF file has already been closed. Can not get the data." raise OSError(msg) # compute shape (streaming blocks have '0' data size in the block header) shape = self.get_actual_shape( self._shape, self._strides, self._dtype, data.size, ) self._array = np.ndarray(shape, self._dtype, data, self._offset, self._strides, self._order) self._array = self._apply_mask(self._array, self._mask) return self._array def _apply_mask(self, array, mask): if isinstance(mask, (np.ndarray, NDArrayType)): # Use "mask.view()" here so the underlying possibly # memmapped mask array is freed properly when the masked # array goes away. array = ma.array(array, mask=mask.view()) return array if np.isscalar(mask): if np.isnan(mask): return ma.array(array, mask=np.isnan(array)) return ma.masked_values(array, mask) return array def __array__(self): return self._make_array() def __repr__(self): # repr alone should not force loading of the data if self._array is None: return ( f"<{'array' if self._mask is None else 'masked array'} " f"(unloaded) shape: {self._shape} dtype: {self._dtype}>" ) return repr(self._make_array()) def __str__(self): # str alone should not force loading of the data if self._array is None: return ( f"<{'array' if self._mask is None else 'masked array'} " f"(unloaded) shape: {self._shape} dtype: {self._dtype}>" ) return str(self._make_array())
[docs] def get_actual_shape(self, shape, strides, dtype, block_size): """ Get the actual shape of an array, by computing it against the block_size if it contains a ``*``. """ num_stars = shape.count("*") if num_stars == 0: return shape if num_stars == 1: if shape[0] != "*": msg = "'*' may only be in first entry of shape" raise ValueError(msg) stride = strides[0] if strides is not None else[1:]) * dtype.itemsize missing = int(block_size / stride) return [missing] + shape[1:] msg = f"Invalid shape '{shape}'" raise ValueError(msg)
@property def shape(self): if self._shape is None or self._array is not None or "*" in self._shape: # streamed blocks have a '0' data_size in the header so we # need to make the array to get the shape return self.__array__().shape return tuple(self._shape) @property def dtype(self): if self._array is None: return self._dtype return self._make_array().dtype def __len__(self): if self._array is None: return self._shape[0] return len(self._make_array()) def __getattr__(self, attr): # We need to ignore __array_struct__, or unicode arrays end up # getting "double casted" and upsized. This also reduces the # number of array creations in the general case. if attr == "__array_struct__": raise AttributeError # will call hasattr(obj, "__asdf_traverse__") which # will trigger this method, making the array, and loading the array # data. Intercept this and raise AttributeError as this class does # not support that method # see: if attr == "__asdf_traverse__": raise AttributeError return getattr(self._make_array(), attr) def __setitem__(self, *args): # This workaround appears to be necessary in order to avoid a segfault # in the case that array assignment causes an exception. The segfault # originates from the call to __repr__ inside the traceback report. try: self._make_array().__setitem__(*args) except Exception: self._array = None raise
def _make_operation(name): def operation(self, *args): return getattr(self._make_array(), name)(*args) return operation for op in [ "__neg__", "__pos__", "__abs__", "__invert__", "__complex__", "__int__", "__long__", "__float__", "__oct__", "__hex__", "__lt__", "__le__", "__eq__", "__ne__", "__gt__", "__ge__", "__cmp__", "__rcmp__", "__add__", "__sub__", "__mul__", "__floordiv__", "__mod__", "__divmod__", "__pow__", "__lshift__", "__rshift__", "__and__", "__xor__", "__or__", "__div__", "__truediv__", "__radd__", "__rsub__", "__rmul__", "__rdiv__", "__rtruediv__", "__rfloordiv__", "__rmod__", "__rdivmod__", "__rpow__", "__rlshift__", "__rrshift__", "__rand__", "__rxor__", "__ror__", "__iadd__", "__isub__", "__imul__", "__idiv__", "__itruediv__", "__ifloordiv__", "__imod__", "__ipow__", "__ilshift__", "__irshift__", "__iand__", "__ixor__", "__ior__", "__getitem__", "__delitem__", "__contains__", ]: setattr(NDArrayType, op, _make_operation(op)) def _get_ndim(instance): if isinstance(instance, list): array = inline_data_asarray(instance) return array.ndim if isinstance(instance, dict): if "shape" in instance: return len(instance["shape"]) if "data" in instance: array = inline_data_asarray(instance["data"]) return array.ndim if isinstance(instance, (np.ndarray, NDArrayType)): return len(instance.shape) return None def validate_ndim(validator, ndim, instance, schema): in_ndim = _get_ndim(instance) if in_ndim != ndim: yield ValidationError(f"Wrong number of dimensions: Expected {ndim}, got {in_ndim}", instance=repr(instance)) def validate_max_ndim(validator, max_ndim, instance, schema): in_ndim = _get_ndim(instance) if in_ndim > max_ndim: yield ValidationError( f"Wrong number of dimensions: Expected max of {max_ndim}, got {in_ndim}", instance=repr(instance), ) def validate_datatype(validator, datatype, instance, schema): if isinstance(instance, list): array = inline_data_asarray(instance) in_datatype, _ = numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(array.dtype) elif isinstance(instance, dict): if "datatype" in instance: in_datatype = instance["datatype"] elif "data" in instance: array = inline_data_asarray(instance["data"]) in_datatype, _ = numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(array.dtype) else: msg = "Not an array" raise ValidationError(msg) elif isinstance(instance, (np.ndarray, NDArrayType)): in_datatype, _ = numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(instance.dtype) else: msg = "Not an array" raise ValidationError(msg) if datatype == in_datatype: return if schema.get("exact_datatype", False): yield ValidationError(f"Expected datatype '{datatype}', got '{in_datatype}'") np_datatype = asdf_datatype_to_numpy_dtype(datatype) np_in_datatype = asdf_datatype_to_numpy_dtype(in_datatype) if not np_datatype.fields: if np_in_datatype.fields: yield ValidationError(f"Expected scalar datatype '{datatype}', got '{in_datatype}'") if not np.can_cast(np_in_datatype, np_datatype, "safe"): yield ValidationError(f"Can not safely cast from '{in_datatype}' to '{datatype}' ") else: if not np_in_datatype.fields: yield ValidationError(f"Expected structured datatype '{datatype}', got '{in_datatype}'") if len(np_in_datatype.fields) != len(np_datatype.fields): yield ValidationError(f"Mismatch in number of columns: Expected {len(datatype)}, got {len(in_datatype)}") for i in range(len(np_datatype.fields)): in_type = np_in_datatype[i] out_type = np_datatype[i] if not np.can_cast(in_type, out_type, "safe"): yield ValidationError( "Can not safely cast to expected datatype: " f"Expected {numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(out_type)[0]}, " f"got {numpy_dtype_to_asdf_datatype(in_type)[0]}", )