
Version 3.3

asdf.util.filepath_to_url is deprecated. Please use pathlib.Path.to_uri.

The ignore_implicit_conversion argument for AsdfFile and treeutil.walk_and_modify is deprecated. “implicit conversion” is also deprecated. This referred to the behavior where certain types (namedtuple) were silently (or with a warning depending on the ignore_implicit_conversion setting) converted to a list when added to an asdf tree. As these types (namedtuple) can be supported by a Converter this “implicit conversion” will be removed.

Version 3.1

asdf.asdf is deprecated. Please use the top-level asdf module for AsdfFile and open (same as asdf.asdf.open_asdf).

AsdfFile.resolve_and_inline is deprecated. Please use AsdfFile.resolve_references and provide all_array_storage='inline' to AdsfFile.write_to (or AsdfFile.update).

Automatic calling of AsdfFile.find_references during calls to AsdfFile.__init__ and Call AsdfFile.find_references to find references.

Several deprecations were added to AsdfFile methods that validate the tree. In a future version of asdf these methods will not perform any tree validation (please call AsdfFile.validate to validate the tree). As this behavior is difficult to deprecate (without triggering warnings for every call of the method) an AsdfDeprecationWarning will only be issued on a failed validation during the following methods:

  • AsdfFile.tree assignment

  • AsdfFile.resolve_references

  • AsdfFile.__init__ (when the tree argument is provided)

Providing kwargs to AsdfFile.resolve_references does nothing and is deprecated.

Version 3.0

The following functions in asdf.util are deprecated:

  • human_list this is no longer part of the public API

  • resolve_name see astropy.utils.resolve_name

  • minversion see astropy.utils.minversion

  • iter_subclasses this is no longer part of the public API

Version 3.0

SerializationContext was previously importable from asdf.asdf.SerializationContext. Although not part of the public API, this import path has been deprecated and users should instead import SerializationContext from asdf.extension.

Version 2.15

ASDF 2.15 introduced many new asdf.exceptions.AsdfDeprecationWarning messages. These warnings are subclasses of the built-in python DeprecationWarning and will by default be ignored except in __main__ and with testing tools such as pytest.

These are intended to highlight use of features that we will likely remove in the next major version of ASDF (see our Release Cycle and Major Dependency Support Policy for more details about our versioning, compatibility and support policy).

Legacy Extension API Deprecation

A large number of asdf.exceptions.AsdfDeprecationWarning messages appear related to use of the legacy extension api. Some examples include:

  • asdf.types

  • asdf.types.CustomType

  • asdf.type_index

  • asdf.resolver

  • the asdf_extensions entry point

  • portions of asdf.extension including:

    • asdf.extension.AsdfExtension

    • asdf.extension.AsdfExtensionList

    • asdf.extension.BuiltinExtension

    • asdf.extension.default_extensions

    • asdf.extension.get_cached_asdf_extensions

    • asdf.extension.get_default_resolver

  • attributes to asdf.AsdfFile including:

    • asdf.AsdfFile.run_hook

    • asdf.AsdfFile.run_modifying_hook

    • asdf.AsdfFile.url_mapping

    • asdf.AsdfFile.tag_mapping

    • asdf.AsdfFile.type_index

    • asdf.AsdfFile.resolver

    • asdf.AsdfFile.extension_list

This deprecated api is replaced by new-style converters, extensions and validators. asdf-astropy is a useful example package that uses these new-style extension api.

ASDF-in-FITS Deprecation

Support for AsdfInFits (including the asdf.fits_embed module) is deprecated. Code using this format can migrate to using stdatamodels which contains functions to read and write AsdfInFits files (see AsdfInFits for migration information).

Without support for fits_embed.AsdfInFits the extract and remove-hdu commands for asdftool are no longer usable and are deprecated.

asdf.tests.helpers Deprecation

Use of asdf.tests.helpers is deprecated. Please see asdf.testing.helpers for alternative functions to aid in testing.