Common use cases

This section is intended as a kind of index to the rest of the “Extending ASDF” documentation. Here we list common use cases and link to the relevant documentation sections that are needed to get the job done.

Validate an ASDF tree against a schema

The asdf library already validates individual tagged objects within the tree, but what if we want to validate the structure of the tree itself? Such “document schemas” can be associated with an AsdfFile using the custom_schema argument, but this argument accepts a URI and the asdf library needs to know how to access the schema content associated with that URI.

  1. Designate a URI for the schema. See Schemas for recommendations on schema URI structure.

  2. Write the schema. See ASDF schemas if you’re new to authoring schemas.

  3. Install the schema as an asdf library resource. See Resources and resource mappings for an overview of resources in asdf and options for installing them.

Serialize a new type

This section summarizes the steps needed to serialize a new type to an ASDF file. We’ll describe three options, starting with the most expedient and growing progressively more formal.

Quick and dirty, for personal use

In this scenario, we want to serialize a new Python type to an ASDF file, but we’re not planning on widely sharing the file, so we want to cut as many corners as possible. Here are the minimal steps needed to get instances of that type into the file and back again:

  1. Identify the Python type to serialize. We’ll need to know the fully-qualified name of the type (module path + class name).

  2. Select a tag URI that will signify the type in YAML. See Tags for recommendations on tag URI structure.

  3. Implement a Converter class that converts the type to YAML-serializable objects and back again. See Converters for a discussion of the Converter interface.

  4. Implement an Extension class which is the vehicle for plugging our converter into the asdf library. See Extensions for a discussion of the Extension interface.

  5. Install the extension. There are multiple ways to do this, but the path of least resistance is to install the extension at runtime using AsdfConfig. See Installing extensions via AsdfConfig.

Now instances of our type can be added to an AsdfFile’s tree and serialized to an ASDF file.

For sharing with other Python users

Now say our files are getting out into the world and into the hands of other Python users. We’ll want to build an installable package around our code and use the asdf library’s entry points to make our extension more convenient to use. We should also think about adding a schema that validates our tagged objects, so if someone manually edits a file and makes a mistake, we get a clear error when asdf opens the file.

  1. Identify the Python type to serialize. We’ll need to know the fully-qualified name of the type (module path + class name).

  2. Select a tag URI that will signify the type in YAML. See Tags for recommendations on tag URI structure.

  3. Designate a URI for the schema. See Schemas for recommendations on schema URI structure.

  4. Write the schema that will validate the tagged object. See ASDF schemas if you’re new to authoring schemas.

  5. Make the schema installable as an asdf library resource. See Resources and resource mappings for an overview of resources in asdf and Installing resources via entry points for information on installing resources via an entry point.

  6. Implement a Converter class that converts the type to YAML-serializable objects and back again. See Converters for a discussion of the Converter interface. Refer to the schema to ensure that the Converter is writing YAML objects correctly.

  7. Implement an Extension class which is the vehicle for plugging our converter into the asdf library. See Extensions for a discussion of the Extension interface. We’ll need to associate the schema URI with the tag URI in our tag’s TagDefinition object.

  8. Install the extension via an entry point. See Installing extensions via entry points.

Now anyone who installs the package containing the entry points will be able to read, write, and validate ASDF files containing our new tag!

For sharing with users of other languages

Finally, let’s consider the case where we want to serialize instances of our type to an ASDF file that will be read using ASDF libraries written in other languages. The problem with our previous efforts is that the extension definition exists only as Python code, so here we’ll want to create an additional YAML document called an extension manifest that defines the extension in a language-independent way.

  1. Identify the Python type to serialize. We’ll need to know the fully-qualified name of the type (module path + class name).

  2. Select a tag URI that will signify the type in YAML. See Tags for recommendations on tag URI structure.

  3. Designate a URI for the schema. See Schemas for recommendations on schema URI structure.

  4. Write the schema that will validate the tagged object. See ASDF schemas if you’re new to authoring schemas.

  5. Write an extension manifest document that describes the tag and schema that we’re including in our extension. See Extension manifests for information on the manifest format.

  1. Make the schema and manifest installable as asdf library resources. See Resources and resource mappings for an overview of resources in asdf and Installing resources via entry points for information on installing resources via an entry point.

  2. Implement a Converter class that converts the type to YAML-serializable objects and back again. See Converters for a discussion of the Converter interface. Refer to the schema to ensure that the Converter is writing YAML objects correctly.

  3. Use asdf.extension.ManifestExtension.from_uri to populate an extension with the Converter and information from the manifest document. See Populating an extension from a manifest for instructions on using ManifestExtension.

  4. Install the extension via an entry point. See Installing extensions via entry points.

That’s it! Python users should experience the same convenience, but now the manifest document is available as a reference for developers who wish to implement support for reading our tagged objects in their language of choice.

Support a new block compressor

In order to support a new compression algorithm for ASDF binary blocks, we need to implement the Compressor interface and install that in an extension.

  1. Select a 4-byte compression code that will signify the compression algorithm.

  1. Implement a Compressor class that associates the 4-byte code with compression and decompression methods. See Binary block compressors for a discussion of the Compressor interface.

  2. Implement an Extension class which is the vehicle for plugging our compressor into the asdf library. See Extensions for a discussion of the Extension interface.

  3. Install the extension via one of the two available methods. See Installing an extension for instructions.

Now the compression algorithm will be available for both reading and writing ASDF files. Users writing files will simply need to specify the new 4-byte compression code when making calls to asdf.AsdfFile.set_array_compression.

Support a new schema property

In order to support custom validation behavior that is triggered by a new schema property, we need to implement the Validator interface and install that in an extension.

  1. Determine the tag or tags that this property will apply to.

  2. Select a schema property for the validator. The property need not be globally unique, but it should be unique among the validators that apply to the tag(s), and must not collide with any of the built-in JSON schema properties (type, additionalProperties, etc).

  3. Implement a Validator class that associates the schema property and tag(s) with a validate method that does the work of checking an ADSF node against the schema.

  4. Implement an Extension class which is the vehicle for plugging our validator into the asdf library. See Extensions for a discussion of the Extension interface.

  5. Install the extension via one of the two available methods. See Installing an extension for instructions.

Now the new schema property will have an effect when validating ASDF files.